Mobility Partnerships are bilateral cooperation frameworks under the EU’s Global Approach for Migration and Mobility (GAMM). They offer a political framework for comprehensive, enhanced and tailor-made dialogue and cooperation with partner countries covering all four GAMM objectives, legal migration and mobility, irregular migration and trafficking in human beings, international protection and asylum policy, and maximising the development impact of migration and mobility. Each MP typically includes a set of targets and commitments as well as a package of specific support measures offered by the EU and interested Member States. MPs address mobility issues, including where appropriate visa issues, as well as the need to facilitate return and readmission of irregular migrants.
Nine Mobility Partnerships have been signed so far with Cape Verde, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Morocco, Azerbaijan, Jordan and Belarus.
Similarly to MPs, Common Agendas for Migration and Mobility offer a political framework for comprehensive, enhanced and tailor-made dialogue and cooperation with partner countries (covering all four GAMM objectives). However, there are two particular differences to MPs. Establishing an MP would include the negotiation of visa facilitation and readmission agreements, whereas a CAMM would not. In addition, an MP is mainly used vis-à-vis neighbourhood countries, whereas a CAMM is mainly used for cooperation with other third countries.
Three Common Agendas on Migration and Mobility (CAMMs) have been signed with Ethiopia, Nigeria and India.
The 2020 New Pact on Migration and Asylum recognises the spectrum across which migration management and migration cooperation take place – from host countries, to countries of origin, from transit countries to the countries of destination. As a result, the MPF is no longer bound to target support exclusively to Mobility Partnership or CAMM countries but may support engagements in any priority country for a given issue. Despite this broadening of remit, the geographic areas of key focus will target Eastern Partnership, Southern Neighbourhood, Western Balkan and African countries.
Pilot Projects on Legal Migration were proposed as one of the new modalities and priorities to deliver the European Agenda on Migration by the European Commission in September 2017. This framework seeks to offer safe and legal pathways as alternatives to irregular migration all while contributing to address labour shortage gaps in EU MS and are financed within the scope of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF).
Building on MPF experience in enhancing dialogue on migration and mobility and support to the MPs and CAMMs, the MPF’s scope was widened to support the implementation of Pilot Projects on Legal Migration to strengthen the EU’s external dimension of migration and impact the EU migration agenda more directly. To date, several projects have been granted in this context thorough the MPF and are ongoing.
The MPF is funded by the European Commission’s Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs (DH HOME) through the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), the Internal Security Fund for Police Cooperation (ISF-Police) and the Internal Security Fund for Borders and Visa (ISF-Borders).
The first phase of MPF was launched in January 2016. Based on the success of the first phase, the project has broadened its scope in 2018 with the opening of a dedicated call for proposals for pilot projects on labour migration.
The MPF has entered its third phase in 2020 and will continue to position itself as a bridge builder between EU MS and partner countries. Funding currently available through the MPF call for proposals is available for project implementation until 31 May 2027, while provisions last.
In addition to the current call, the MPF published calls for proposals in 2016, 2018, and 2020. Future calls will depend on availability of funds.
To date MPF Focal Points have been appointed with central government bodies (mostly Ministries of Interior and Ministries of Foreign Affairs) in 20 EU Member States (Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden and Slovakia). It is recommended that they are informed of any plans to apply for funding under the MPF.
You can find information on completed and ongoing MPF Projects here.
No, this is not possible. Applicants must select one source of funding corresponding to the topic of their proposed action and check the respective box in the Concept Note and Application Form.
No, funding of actions implemented under MPF comes from the allocations for Union actions.
Each Action can receive a maximum contribution of 95% of its total eligible costs. Thus, the total requested funding cannot exceed 95% of the total eligible costs of the project. The remaining 5% (or more) has to be covered by other sources and may take the form of:
No grant may be awarded retroactively for activities already started or completed. Unless specifically agreed, eligible costs may not have been incurred prior to the date of signature of the grant contract.
No, only organisations working on a non-profit basis are eligible to receive funding under MPF.
Yes, research institutes and universities may be eligible if they have the status of a public body in the country where they are located.
Independently of the presence or status of a possible co-applicant, the main legal responsibility for the implementation of an action funded under MPF will remain with the lead applicant (Coordinator in the Grant Contract).
Co-applicants (Co-Beneficiaries in the Grant Contract) are indicated in the Grant Contract but only the lead applicant will sign the Grant Contract together with ICMPD.
Co-applicants can formally exercise responsibility for work packages, activities and related budget management in line with provisions in the Grant Contract. Their working relation with the lead applicant is normally regulated by a partnership agreement (or similar) between lead applicant and co-applicants.
No, but MPF encourages the involvement of co-applicants in a joint proposal to foster cooperation between EU MS and partner countries outside the EU.
There may be other partners (in addition to the lead and co-applicant(s)) but they normally have a secondary role and are not directly in charge of implementation of budget and activities.
In case of award, only the lead applicant will sign the Grant Contract.
While a partnership agreement (or similar document) between the lead Applicant and Co-Applicant(s) is not legally required, MPF strongly encourages the formalisation of roles and responsibilities at the latest by the time a grant contract is signed. Prior to that, the identification of the priorities addressed in the grant application as well as the development of the work methodology and workplan should be carried out jointly by the applying EU MS and the respective partner country. The involvement of the partner country and foreseen cooperation mechanisms among all involved entities should be described in the Grant Application Form.
Projects on legal migration explicitly focus on facilitating labour migration schemes. Yet, academic training may be able to contribute to addressing labour shortages and filling skills gaps in both EU and third countries. Academic mobility is therefore not excluded from eligibility and could be considered for funding in project proposals under MPF III.
Subcontracting of activities is subject to special rules.
Core tasks of the project may not be subcontracted. The coordinator may not subcontract, or delegate to the other beneficiaries, any part of its tasks (including project management tasks). For more details, please consult Article 1.6 of the General Conditions of MPF Grant Contracts.
A limited amount of financial support to third parties (sub-granting) can be allowed if clearly described and motivated in the proposal.
The starting date included in the Concept Note first and in the Full Application later is indicative, as the Action can only start:
The implementation period of any action awarded is indicated in the Guidelines for each Call.
After having consulted with relevant partners, you can either directly submit a Concept Note or contact
Yes, the submission of a Concept Note is a mandatory first step. Only if the Concept Note is approved you will be invited to submit a Full Application. No Full Applications will be considered without prior approval of Concept Note.
They should be submitted in English.
Concept Notes and Applications can only be submitted through the MPF Website online submission tool. Upon successful upload, you will receive an automated confirmation.
The format required for each document (Word, Excel, PDF etc.) is specified in the Guidelines.
The presentation of these costs in the budget often generates some misunderstandings and need to clarifications, for which it is worth some additional explanations.
The unit rate to be indicated in the budget should always correspond to 100% of the staff costs/full-time salary. The number of units is adjusted according to the percentage allocated under the project. The percentage of time allocated should be indicated alongside the description of the item.
Example: The Project Manager will work 50% part-time for 12 months. The full time salary is 2,000 EUR. In the budget we will write:
Project Manager (50%) Unit: month Number of units: (12*50%) = 6 Unit rate: 2,000 EUR
Only staff directly employed by the Beneficiary(ies) can be allocated under the budget heading '1. Human Resources'. Other staff not directly employed by the Beneficiary(ies) are allocated under the budget heading '6. Other'.
Direct staff costs (positions hired by your organisation as permanent or temporary members of personnel/staff who will receive a salary) should be listed under HR costs (budget category '1. Human Resources'). If you plan to hire (fee-based) services of experts or consultants who may make contributions to the action but will not be formally employed, these costs should be listed in the budget as '6. Other'.
Per diems are calculated per number of complete night(s) spent abroad. They can be calculated in line with the applicant(s) internal rules and procedure BUT the maximum eligible costs cannot exceed the latest perdiem scale published by the European Commission. Per diems cover accommodation, meals and local travel within the place of the mission (within the same city) and sundry expenses. If any of these expenses are budgeted separately, per diem rates have to be reduced accordingly.
It mostly refers to in-country transportation, taking into account that transportation within the same city of a work mission is already included in the per diem.
This section refers to all costs that do not fall already under the indirect costs (i.e. rental of (part of) an office dedicated to the Action, rental of a car dedicated to the Action etc.…).
While office rent and some equipment may be considered eligible in the context of an action if directly linked to and necessary for implementation, purchase of equipment should be limited to the minimum.
An expenditure verification carried out by an independent auditor must be planned for any period of 12 months and any final report. As it will contracted by ICMPD (see Guidelines), there is no need to include audit costs in the application budget.
This budget can be used in case of unforeseen costs directly linked with the implementation of the action. It can only be used with prior written authorisation from ICMPD. The amount of the contingency reserve is calculated based on the total budget and cannot be included in the budget for the first reporting period.
VAT is not eligible unless it can be proven that the beneficiary(ies) are not able to recover it.
The budget is to be designed only in euro. However, within the course of the implementation of the Action, expenses that will occur in foreign currency will be converted by using the exchange rate of the European Commission - InforEuro - available at the following link:
Each cost indicated in the budget has to be duly justified using the justification sheet in the budget and mentioning the type of costs, activities concerned, source of information and calculation, if relevant. The structure of the sheets “budget” and “justification” need to be identical.
List here all in-cash contribution provided to the Action and the name of the contributor.
The entity providing the in-kind contribution should be mentioned as well as the reference and the title of the budget item (line) as indicated in the overall budget.
Eligible applications and their proposed actions will be assessed by a Grant Evaluation Committee, composed of representatives of EU services (DG HOME, DG INTPA, DG NEAR and EEAS), on the basis of the following (weighted) award criteria:
The applicable weight of criteria is slightly different in each MPF Calls for proposals. Please consult the respective Guidelines for more detailed information on this.
Applications that pass the minimum threshold indicated in the Guidelines may be considered for funding, provided sufficient budget is available.
ICMPD, based on the deliberations of the Grant Evaluation Committee, reserves the right to suggest certain adjustments of proposals (narrative and budget) following the award decision and prior to the signature of the Grant Contract. Such changes may aim at enhancing the coherence of proposals, ensuring their cost efficiency and taking into account activities of other actions, which might not be known to the Applicant. They should not bring any major modification to the application such as adjustment or replacement of activities.
Following an award decision and contractualisation, ICMPD will sign a Grant Contract (see templates in annex) with the Applicant.
Depending on the quality and complexity of the application, and other, external factors, it may take up to 2-5 months between the moment of application and a possible start date of the granted Action.
All templates of the Grant Contract are available under the relevant Call.