
April 2018 - January 2019


EUR 180.293,33 (94,95% from AMIF)

Implemented by

The University of Minho - UMinho implemented this action in coordination with SEF— Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras of Portugal and the Bureau for Migration and Asylum of the Republic of Moldova.



Assessment of the Call Centre for Migrants

Assessment of the Call Centre for Migrants: mapping exercise highlighting the institutional/procedural framework and operational needs.

Training of officials

Training of officials from the Bureau of Migration and Asylum through an e-learning platform and a study visit to Portugal. The content of the training sessions include communication/interview techniques, management of immigration services, intercultural dialogue and human rights.

Support to further development

Support to further development of the Call Centre Regulation based on main principles identified in a previous project.

Consolidation of the operational capacities of the Call Centre’s infrastructure

Consolidation of the operational capacities of the Call Centre’s infrastructure, including in the area of IT development.